Achieving Measurable in Direct Mail Marketing Campaigns

More business and new leads are brought about by effective direct mail marketing; good return on investment and results are possible. The growth in technology has not hindered direct mail marketing while online campaigns are getting a lot of buzz.

Instead, the opportunities are now improved. A successful Direct mail marketing that will generate leads can be implemented by these ways.

A Link to Your Website must be offered

You can’t integrate this into your online marketing campaigns even though you may be using traditional paper advertising. You can also provide an incentive to do so not only should you provide a link to your website in your direct mail piece, such as on a specific page that the URL links to, a coupon is placed.

Offering future company discounts, coupons, and news, this page can also include a sign-up form for your email mailing list.


Keep in mind to find your company through an online search, modern consumers are more likely. To reach a different audience, anything you put in print advertising can be duplicated online in Postcard marketing.

To the Consumer, you must make the Content Personal

Customize your message with information and offers that would appeal specifically to them – right down to the packaging after taking the time to study and learn about your target customer. Their concerns, desires, and needs must be directly addressed by your content directly.

Based on each segment, you can even further send different pieces and segment your recipients.

Don’t forget to include an easy way to get more information and/or contact you, as well as a powerful and compelling call to action.

Direct response marketing is not just a thing of the past although there is no doubt that online marketing and email promotions have their benefits. Reaching a widespread client base and Drawing attention to your services and products is still a rewarding strategy. To make your direct mail marketing efforts more productive you must, consider these tips.

There is a Comeback of Direct Mail for the Future

Often at the expense of more traditional marketing methods, like direct mail, on e-mail and other Internet message delivery mechanisms, organizations and Companies have spent many billions over the past decade.

But to live up to its initial promise e-mail has failed in some respects. And excellent results are reported by marketers who are turning back to true and tried methods like snail mail often better than e-mail.

E-mail is the fastest and cheapest direct marketing tool and produces the best return on investment according to a 2005 Direct Marketing Association (DMA) comprehensive study of marketing tools. But most rentable lists are opted only by a fraction of the average company’s prospective customers.

And sending commercial e-mails to people who have asked not to receive them can be against federal law. It’s spam. To the vast majority of their prospective customers using e-mail in mailing services, they cannot get their marketing messages if companies play by the new rules.

Why Direct Mail Works

Consultant Eric Gagnon described direct mailing as the workhorse of every business-to-business marketing program in a recent article in B2B Marketing Newsletter, which is a publication of the Business Marketing Association.

The mainstay of most business-to-business marketing and lead-generation programs is e-mail marketing programs, Google AdWords and direct mail while the buzz these days is all about Internet-based marketing: where there’s a profitable marketing project waiting to happen, and a mailing piece to send to them, there’s a readily-identifiable mailing list of plausible prospects.

On vertical markets, Direct mail is effective at focusing on marketing strategies that by renting targeted mailing lists can be reached by Mail services.


In your direct marketing symphony, Direct mail is a key instrument perhaps the most crucial. Research findings are supported by most marketers by which the effectiveness of every other form of marketing is enhanced.

If driven by talented and well-researched executed creatively and skillfully, all instruments playing together make great music. In selecting the right media mix, there is as much art as science.

Enhance Response Rate with these Direct Mail Marketing Tools

If you implement an effective plan of action assisted by the experts of direct mail marketing companies, building a successful campaign is not as complicated as it appears. To send your message out to your target audience, here are three tools of Mail services that you can leverage.


Believe it or not, more power lies in these tiny unassuming pieces. Used by companies that swear by direct mail marketing channels, postcards have been of the most favorite marketing tools being extremely affordable.

With these pieces, you can keep your message relevant and precise, and to be opened to be read, they are not even required. Most importantly, they are hard to ignore as they reach the doorsteps of your target audience. Majority of the people receiving postcards read them.

In another study, which type of mail would bring forth a response was asked to the respondents for Direct response marketing. Postcards topped the list in the result, and 23.4 percent said that if sent via a postcard, they would reply to an advertisement.


Limited shelf life is available in informational booklets or Brochures used during Direct mail marketing. A brochure, usually available in tri or bi-folds, not only offers ample space to elaborate on prices, offers, tariffs, features, etc accompanied by visuals but also acts as a great tool to give out introductory information about your service or product.

For example, with alluring visuals in its multiple folds, a home improvement store can send its customers a printed guide on house renovation and interior décor tips. Similarly, with a perforated section containing discount vouchers, lip-smacking pictures of pizzas dripping with cheese, scrumptious, a pizza shop can mail a brochure.

When consumers seek information, these informational pieces not only serve as a lucrative tool for a future purchase but also come handy. After all, the possibilities of sales right several folds can be increased by including coupons.


For conducting a survey or even for letting know of a new launch, you could consider using postcards for holiday season sales promotions. For those who have budget constraints, Postcards are the best marketing solution.

Reasons to Prefer Postcard Marketing

For your special offers, marketing, getting the word out about your business and generating leads, Postcards are a cost-effective alternative.

Before they enter your sales cycle, you should use Postcard marketing to pre-qualify prospects. To receive future contact from you, let them self-nominate. You will no longer have to make cold calls when this happens. Because they want what you have to offer, you will make warm calls.

With this piece, you are not trying to sell your prospect. You want to request more information and want them to take action. This puts you in control and establishes you as the expert because your expertise is expected by the prospects to satisfy their needs and wants.

You should always use a two-step approach with any lead generation method. This is known as direct-response marketing in direct mail marketing companies.

Keep it simple as converting them into a new client or customer will be made harder for you in turn if the things for the prospect are made harder. To self-nominate, Direct mail gives the prospect an opportunity.

You must handle any objections they may have and close the sale and now you have momentarily secured their desire once your prospect takes action (sends your reply card, visits your website, calls you for more information or reply envelope). You must follow-up with direct mail marketing services and excellent customer service if you do not close on that call.

Does it appear like it might be more to handle? Yes, it could be a lot if you were doing all of this work yourself, but you need a simple automated system that works for you instead of you working for it as a business owner.

You leverage your effort, money and time, when you decide to use postcards as one of your marketing tools, so all the things it’s supposed to do must be done by your business: building brand awareness, generating qualified leads, increasing profits and attracting new business… whether you decide to do it consistently and work or not.

Picking a Direct Mail Marketing Company

You are just throwing your money and wasting your time into an empty mailbox if you don’t take the time to do it right, direct Mail Marketing is a tricky business.

On advertising, all businesses need to spend money in today’s tough economic market. The Direct response marketing has been in trend now a day.

Regarding how they spend their advertising dollars, small businesses especially must be careful. You should have a successful direct mail marketing campaign by following these simple steps.


Depending on your business, use common sense as to when to send out your mail piece. Mailing prior to a holiday is better for you if you deal with holiday items. For your mailing, summertime is probably not a good time if you have an adult dance studio.

The Message

Into your message, you must put in a great deal of thought. You must mention it, if you run a family business as people like to support family run businesses. Always put forward an offer that is hard to be unusual or refused.

Make sure you want people to act quickly and your offer has an expiration date. Postcard marketing is also very famous and effective.


The List

You want to get your message to people that most likely need or want what you have to offer. The best way to do that is to purchase a much targeted mailing list.

You need to spend time speaking with an expert in lists to determine who you should be targeting. Ordering lists from a website without getting advise, is potentially a waste of money.


The results you hope for will not be achieved by sending out one mail piece. At least once a month, you must try to schedule a mailing to the same list for several months. The better it will be the more people see your company name. The direct mail marketing services can do it for you.

The first important decision you will make is choosing the right direct mail marketing companies to handle your Direct Mail Marketing project. It is crucial to find a company that is affordable and does the mailing, design, target list buying and printing all under one roof.

Simple Tips Regarding Postcard Marketing You must Know!

Direct mail Postcard Marketing is a concept used since long. By direct marketers, this method of marketing has been used for decades. Effective postcards need to be eye-catching yet simple. As a coupon or a gift certificate a postcard can also be double.

To promote your campaign you can also use both sides of the Postcard marketing. To contact you, your postcards should also have multiple ways. Your web site, number, address, etc must be present in it. The more likely it will be that they will contact you if you offer multiple ways for someone to contact you.

Postcard marketing can be very lucrative if you have the money and time to invest. From the cost of cost of postage for delivering the, to printing and designing postcards you will have to invest. These costs can greatly differ. For 5000 postcards, the costs will range from $1000 to more than $2000.


Depending on the deals that can be found for design and printing, and current shipping rates, the amount direct mail marketing companies pay for shipping, designing and printing, can all vary. The lower is the cost per card the higher the quantity of postcards. A higher overall upfront cost is however the result of this.

In conclusion, as compared to emails, direct mail postcards are more likely to be read. For that reason, for a wide range of companies selling a wide range of products direct mail postcard marketing has proved to be very successful.

However, it is not for every product or every business. This method of direct mail marketing services is beneficial both to the beginners and the established businesses.

This method of marketing is far more cost effective, and as compared to other marketing have far better results. That being said, please make sure you do your homework should you still pick this method of marketing. The better the results will be the more targeted your mailing list.

Useful Tricks to Build a Good Direct Mail Marketing Campaign

Break down the process into manageable steps and these factors must be taken into consideration to begin your direct mail campaign. To ask, here are some questions.

Your group of audience

Identifying your company’s target audience is the first step, and you must get to know these demographics as well in Mail services. In helping them understand, how your business can benefit them the more effective your direct mail campaign will be the more knowledge you have of their purchasing habits, wants and needs.

Are your clients, female or male, young or Old? Where they are from? It is better if it is more detailed. Imagine what other customers you might want to reach out to and at the same time look at the demographics of your existing customer base. Who could use your services and who currently uses your services?

Your mailing list

Create a mailing list once you have a good understanding of your prospective and current clients. Better yet, for different campaigns create different lists; the material you send to existing customers as compared to that which you send to potential customers might contain different information and look different in direct response marketing.


The better the chance one will positively respond the more tailored your flyer, postcard, pamphlet, etc. is to the specific recipient, if at all. When creating future campaigns, for reference, keep organized and detailed records of your lists.

What message do you want to give and how will you give?

Now for designing the actual promotional material that you will send out is the time. Detailing special offers and explaining your services there are many types, including pamphlets, flyers, and postcards.

For previous clients are just as important, thank you cards and greeting cards; in letting customers know how much you value their business and them and fostering a sense of community they’re instrumental. As compared to electronic communication Direct mail marketing more personal, which is why people respond so well to direct mail marketing.

Identify to which people you will be sending which types of mail and the text to include. Ensure to double-check grammar and spelling.

Get to Know Some Tips for Selecting Mailing Services Provider

Always make sure that you do some serious research before selecting a mailing house: For the success of the company’s direct mail shots, the relationship a direct mailer develops with their direct mailing house is very crucial so it is very important that you proceed with care. Below are listed certain tips that will help you when you are looking for the right mailing services company…

Always check the background of a mailing house and ask for references-You will be definitely provided with testimonials that to from a reputable company. To know about the services that are being delivered by the mailing company you need to contact the mailing house clients that to both large and small – It is very much necessary on your part to know that how long they have been working with the mailing house. While selecting a mailing company you should always have a positive recommendation.


What are the different types of services that are being offered by a mailing services company? How many direct mailing and marketing processes and direct mailing services you want the mailing house to do? From the direct marketing operation, you can plan to outsource one or two parts of it; Apart from it, you can also take help of a direct mailing company which can manage to do the majority of the work.

Clients who are using a major part of their services will be provided with discounts. You will have less paperwork and even invoices from one place but this will only happen when you are working with just one supplier. While choosing a location keep in mind that you choose the nearby one as more the distance more the cost will be.

From the top fulfillment houses, you will be offered to have PDF management facilities, latest things in merging software and you will get the option of variable color print only when your mailing services company is ahead of the game then you will be too.

Can you guess the Exact Cost of a Direct Marketing Method?

Telemarketing allows you to inform them of your service or product and speak to your prospects directly. Providing your prospects with quick links to your website an email campaign can be as elaborate or simple as you want.

With a sample of your product, you can mail out a small package, a colorful postcard or a simple letter, with direct mail.

All three can also be done. Repetition is the key to marketing. You strengthen your initial message by reaching out to your prospects using various marketing methods. Improving response rates also gives your prospects a variety of ways to respond.

Of course, for each form, the costs associated with each direct marketing method will differ. When setting a budget for your direct marketing campaign there are a few things to think about regardless of the form you are choosing.

As compared to a telemarketing list, a mailing list is usually cheaper based on list type as it’s just a mailing address and name. A telemarketing list will have a phone number, mailing address as well as name. The extra element of the phone number is the extra cost for the telemarketing list.

As compared to simple mailing lists, an email list having an email address, mailing address and name will also be more normal. Containing just email address and name there are email lists that, and these tend to be reasonable.

As the sourcing of this information might not be entirely reliable you might want to steer clear of these email lists depending on what kind of marketing campaign you are planning.

To the question what a direct marketing campaign is going to cost there is no straight answer as mentioned before. It’s like asking what car costs after going to a car lot. There are many variables like the model, make, year, etc that go into the cost of a car.

With direct marketing, it is the same. Finding a knowledgeable list broker who can help figure out the best direct marketing campaign and explain all of these options that will work for you is the best advice.

Know how to hire the best Direct Mail Marketing Company

You are just throwing your money into an empty mailbox and wasting your time if you don’t take the time to do it right as Direct Mail Marketing is a tricky business. On advertising, all businesses need to spend money in today’s tough economic market.

Regarding how they spend their advertising dollars Small businesses must be careful especially. You should have a successful direct mail marketing campaign by following these simple steps.

The Printed Piece

Next, the kind of piece you want to mail must be decided. Postcard marketing is the most successful. The next important step is the size of the postcard. But in the mailbox, a 6×9 or 5 .5x 8.5 card cannot be easily missed a small 4×6 card will not get much attention.

Unusual or Colorful pictures from the receiver also command attention. To get your message out than a postcard Flyers give you more space. Just make sure enticing people to open it the front of the flyer has a message. Again, you need to make sure that encouraging the recipient to open it there is a message on the front of the envelope.


Depending on your business, as to when to send out your mail piece direct mail marketing companies must use common sense. Mailing before a holiday is good for you if you sell holiday items. Summertime is probably not a good time for your mailing if you have an adult dance studio.


The List

To people that most likely want or need what you have to offer you want to get your message. Purchasing a much-targeted mailing list is the best way to do that. It is a vital help if someone is experienced with this.

To determine who you should be targeting you need to spend time speaking with direct mail marketing services in lists. It is potentially a waste of money to order lists from a website without getting advice.


The results you hope for can’t be achieved by Sending out one mail piece will probably not get you. At least once a month try to schedule a mailing to the same list for several months. The better it is the more people see your company name.

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